
Functions for converting GOES ABI Radiance values

rad.abi_radiance_wavenumber_to_wavelength(goes, channel, rad_wn)[source]#

Convert GOES ABI Radiance units from [mW / m^2 sr cm^-1] to [W / m^2 sr um]

  • goes (int) – 16, 17, or 18 to select GOES-16, GOES-17, or GOES-18

  • channel (int) – 1-16 to select GOES ABI channel/band

  • rad_wn (float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray) – GOES ABI Radiance in “wavenumber” units [mW / m^2 sr cm^-1]


rad_wl – GOES ABI Radiance in “wavelength” units [W / m^2 sr um]

Return type

float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray


rad.goesBrightnessTemp(rad, fk1, fk2, bc1, bc2)[source]#

Convert Radiance to Brightness Temperature for GOES-R ABI emissive bands (7-16)

  • rad (float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray) – radiance [mW / m^2 sr cm^-1]

  • fk1 (float) – Planck function coefficient 1, from GOES ABI product metadata

  • fk2 (float) – Planck function coefficient 2, from GOES ABI product metadata

  • bc1 (float) – spectral response function offset correction term, from GOES ABI product metadata

  • bc2 (float) – spectral response function scale correction term, from GOES ABI product metadata


Tb – brightness temperature [K]

Return type

float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray


rad.goesReflectance(rad, kappa)[source]#

Convert Radiance to Reflectance for GOES-R ABI reflective bands (1-6)

  • rad (float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray) – radiance [mW / m^2 sr cm^-1]

  • kappa (float) – incident Lambertian equivalent radiance, from GOES ABI product metadata


ref – reflectance factor

Return type

float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray


rad.makeABIrgb_fromReflectance(R_ref, G_ref, B_ref, gamma=2.2, green_coefficients={'blue': 0.45, 'nir': 0.1, 'red': 0.45})[source]#

Create RGB images given GOES-R ABI Channel 01, 02, and 03 datasets. Adapted from https://github.com/daniellelosos/True-Color-Image_GOES-R-ABI-L1b-Radiances

  • R_ref (np.ndarray) – Red band data from GOES ABI (Channel 2)

  • G_ref (np.ndarray) – “Green” band data from GOES ABI (Channel 3) (ABI does not have a true green band, instead we can use the NIR “Veggie” band)

  • B_ref (np.ndarray) – Blue band data from GOES ABI (Channel 1)

  • gamma (float) – Gamma correction to adjust brightness of output image, defaults to gamma=2.2

  • green_coefficients (dict) – Dictionary of multipliers for the red, nir, and blue bands to create a synthetic green band, defaults to green_coefficients={‘red’: 0.45, ‘nir’: 0.1, ‘blue’: 0.45}


  • RGB (np.ndarray) – “True Color” RGB

  • RGB_veggie (np.ndarray) – “False Color” RGB
