Source code for rad

Functions for converting GOES ABI Radiance values

"""Steven Pestana, March 2021 (

For background information, see: 

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[docs]def goesBrightnessTemp(rad, fk1, fk2, bc1, bc2): """ Convert Radiance to Brightness Temperature for GOES-R ABI emissive bands (7-16) Parameters ------------ rad : float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray radiance [mW / m^2 sr cm^-1] fk1 : float Planck function coefficient 1, from GOES ABI product metadata fk2 : float Planck function coefficient 2, from GOES ABI product metadata bc1 : float spectral response function offset correction term, from GOES ABI product metadata bc2 : float spectral response function scale correction term, from GOES ABI product metadata Returns ------------ Tb : float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray brightness temperature [K] Examples ------------ """ Tb = ( fk2 / (np.log((fk1 / rad) + 1)) - bc1 ) / bc2 return Tb
[docs]def goesReflectance(rad, kappa): """ Convert Radiance to Reflectance for GOES-R ABI reflective bands (1-6) Parameters ------------ rad : float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray radiance [mW / m^2 sr cm^-1] kappa : float incident Lambertian equivalent radiance, from GOES ABI product metadata Returns ------------ ref : float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray reflectance factor Examples ------------ """ ref = kappa * rad return ref
[docs]def abi_radiance_wavenumber_to_wavelength(goes, channel, rad_wn): """ Convert GOES ABI Radiance units from [mW / m^2 sr cm^-1] to [W / m^2 sr um] Parameters ------------ goes : int 16, 17, or 18 to select GOES-16, GOES-17, or GOES-18 channel : int 1-16 to select GOES ABI channel/band rad_wn : float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray GOES ABI Radiance in "wavenumber" units [mW / m^2 sr cm^-1] Returns ------------ rad_wl : float, np.array, or xarray.DataArray GOES ABI Radiance in "wavelength" units [W / m^2 sr um] Examples ------------ """ # Read in Band Equivalent Widths file for GOES16 or GOES17 eqw = pd.read_csv('../data/GOES{goes}_ABI_ALLBANDS_MAR2016.eqw'.format(goes=str(goes)), sep=r'\s+', skiprows=1, index_col='CHANNEL') # Divide milliwats by 1000 to get watts scale_milliwatts_by = 1000 # Convert units rad_wl = (rad_wn / scale_milliwatts_by) * (eqw['EQW(cm-1)'][channel]/eqw['EQW(um)'][channel]) return rad_wl
[docs]def makeABIrgb_fromReflectance(R_ref, G_ref, B_ref, gamma = 2.2, green_coefficients={'red': 0.45, 'nir': 0.1, 'blue': 0.45}): ''' Create RGB images given GOES-R ABI Channel 01, 02, and 03 datasets. Adapted from Parameters ------------ R_ref : np.ndarray Red band data from GOES ABI (Channel 2) G_ref : np.ndarray "Green" band data from GOES ABI (Channel 3) (ABI does not have a true green band, instead we can use the NIR "Veggie" band) B_ref : np.ndarray Blue band data from GOES ABI (Channel 1) gamma : float Gamma correction to adjust brightness of output image, defaults to gamma=2.2 green_coefficients : dict Dictionary of multipliers for the red, nir, and blue bands to create a synthetic green band, defaults to green_coefficients={'red': 0.45, 'nir': 0.1, 'blue': 0.45} Returns ------------ RGB : np.ndarray "True Color" RGB RGB_veggie : np.ndarray "False Color" RGB Examples ------------ ''' # Apply range limits for each channel. Reflectance values must be between 0 and 1. R_ref = np.clip(R_ref, 0, 1) G_ref = np.clip(G_ref, 0, 1) B_ref = np.clip(B_ref, 0, 1) # Apply a gamma correction to the image to correct ABI detector brightness Red = np.power(R_ref, 1/gamma) Green = np.power(G_ref, 1/gamma) Blue = np.power(B_ref, 1/gamma) # GOES-R Series satellites do not have a channel in the visible green range. Band 3 is a NIR channel typically used to monitor vegetation. # Calculate the "True" Green Band to serve as a green proxy for the RGB True Color image, using a fractional combination. # Source: "Generation of GOES‐16 True Color Imagery without a Green Band" - Green_true = green_coefficients['red'] * Red + green_coefficients['nir'] * Green + green_coefficients['blue'] * Blue Green_true = np.clip(Green_true, 0, 1) # Apply band limits again, just in case. # Combine three RGB channels with a stacked array, then display the resulting images. # The RGB array with the raw veggie band RGB_veggie = np.dstack([Red, Green, Blue]) # The RGB array for the true color image RGB = np.dstack([Red, Green_true, Blue]) return RGB, RGB_veggie