
Functions for extracting timeseries from directories of GOES ABI imagery

timeseries.make_abi_timeseries(directory, product, data_vars, lon, lat, z, outfilepath=None)[source]#

Given a directory of GOES ABI products, create a timeseries of data variables (specified in data_vars) for a single point (at lon, lat, elevation). Returns a pandas dataframe, optional output to a csv file.

timeseries.make_nested_abi_timeseries(directory, product, data_vars, lon, lat, z, outfilepath=None)[source]#

Given a directory of GOES ABI products, create a timeseries of data variables (specified in data_vars) for a single point (at lon, lat, elevation). Retrieves all pixels nested within larger “2 km” ABI Fixed Grid cell. Returns a pandas dataframe, optional output to a csv file.