Source code for get_data

'''Get test data for tests and/or examples'''

# based on

import os
import tarfile
import urllib.request
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import goes_ortho as go
from goespy.Downloader import ABI_Downloader
import json
from glob import glob
from dateutil import rrule, parser
import datetime as dt
import xarray as xr
import zarr
import gtsa
from pathlib import Path

def build_zarr(downloadRequest_filepath):

    # download requested imagery
    print('download requested imagery')
    image_path_list = download_abi(downloadRequest_filepath)

    # parse json request file
    print('parse json request file')
    _, _, bounds, _, _, _, _, variables, apiKey, _, outputFilepath = parse_json(downloadRequest_filepath)

    # orthorectify all images
    print('orthorectify all images')
    new_image_path_list = []
    for goes_image_path in image_path_list:
        print('filename: ', goes_image_path)
        new_goes_filename = goes_image_path.with_name(goes_image_path.stem + '_o').with_suffix('.nc')
        #new_goes_filename = goes_image_path.split('.')[:-1][0] + ''
        print('renamed to: ', new_goes_filename)
        go.orthorectify.ortho(goes_image_path, variables, bounds, apiKey, new_goes_filename, keep_dem=True)
    # add time dimension, fix CRS, build zarr file
    print('add time dimension, fix CRS, build zarr file')
    for variable in variables:
        new_image_path_list, datetimes_list = add_datetime_crs(new_image_path_list, variable)

        # start Dask cluster
        print('start Dask cluster')
        client =

        #nc_files = sorted(
        #    new_image_path_list,
        #    key=datetimes_list
        nc_files = [img_path for img_dt, img_path in sorted(zip(datetimes_list, new_image_path_list))]
        # Open all the raster files as a single dataset (combining them together)
        # Why did we choose chunks = 500? 100MB?
        print('open all rasters')
        ds = xr.open_mfdataset(nc_files, chunks={'time': 500})
        ## if 'Rad' is our variable, check if we should add reflectance 'ref', or brightness temperature 'tb' to the list too
        #if variable == 'Rad':
        #    if ds.band_id.values[0] <= 6:
        #        print('adding ref to variables list')
        #        variables.append('ref')
        #    else:
        #        print('adding tb to variables list')
        #        variables.append('tb')
        # rechunk along time dimension
        # Dask's rechunk documentation:
        # 0:-1 specifies that we want the dataset to be chunked along the 0th dimension -- the time dimension, which means that each chunk will have all 40 thousand values in time dimension
        # 1:'auto', 2:'auto' and balance=True specifies that dask can freely rechunk along the latitude and longitude dimensions to attain blocks that have a uniform size
            {0:-1, 1:'auto', 2:'auto'}, 
        # Assign the dimensions of a chunk to variables to use for encoding afterwards
        t,y,x = ds[variable].data.chunks[0][0], ds[variable].data.chunks[1][0], ds[variable].data.chunks[2][0]
        # Create an output zarr file and write these chunks to disk
        # remove if file already exists
        shutil.rmtree(outputFilepath, ignore_errors=True)
        # chunk
        ds[variable].encoding = {'chunks': (t, y, x)}
        # output zarr file
        print('saving zarr file')
        # Display 
        source_group =
        source_array = source_group[variable]
        del source_group
        del source_array
    return None

[docs]def make_request_json(workflowName, startDatetime, endDatetime, bounds, satellite, product, band, variable, apiKey): '''For running through github actions, make a request json file from github user input to be read by the build_zarr function''' request_dict = { "dateRange" : { "startDatetime" : startDatetime, "endDatetime" : endDatetime }, "bounds" : { "min_lon" : bounds[0], "min_lat" : bounds[1], "max_lon" : bounds[2], "max_lat" : bounds[3] }, "satellite" : satellite, "product" : product, "bands" : [band], "variables" : [variable], "downloadDirectory" : "./", "outputFilepath" : "./{}.zarr".format(workflowName), "apiKey" : apiKey } filename = workflowName + '.json' with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(request_dict , f)
def get_start_date_from_abi_filename(s): return s.split('_s')[1].split('_')[0] def add_datetime_crs(files, variable, crs='EPSG:4326'): print(files) print(variable) print(crs) new_files = [] datetimes = [ dt.datetime.strptime( f.stem.split('_')[3][1:-1], # parse the start time (the part "s2022__________" in the file name) "%Y%j%H%M%S" ) for f in files ] print(datetimes) for i,file in enumerate(files): print(f"Processing {i} of {len(files)}...") print(datetimes[i]) try: ds = xr.open_dataset(file) ds = ds.assign_coords({"time": datetimes[i]}) ds = ds.expand_dims("time") ds = ds.reset_coords(drop=True) da = ds[variable] new_file_name = file.with_name(file.stem + '_{}'.format(variable)).with_suffix('.nc') #new_file_name = file.replace( # ".nc", # "_{}.nc".format(variable), #) da = da.to_netcdf(new_file_name) new_files.append(new_file_name) except Exception as err: print(f"Failed on {file}") print(f"Error: {err}") return new_files, datetimes def parse_json(downloadRequest_filepath): # load json file that specifies what we'd like to download and parse its contents with open(downloadRequest_filepath, "r") as f: downloadRequest = json.load(f) startDatetime = parser.parse(downloadRequest['dateRange']['startDatetime']) endDatetime = parser.parse(downloadRequest['dateRange']['endDatetime']) bounds = [ downloadRequest['bounds']["min_lon"], downloadRequest['bounds']["min_lat"], downloadRequest['bounds']["max_lon"], downloadRequest['bounds']["max_lat"] ] # bounds = [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat] satellite = downloadRequest['satellite'] bucket = 'noaa-' + satellite product = downloadRequest['product'] channels = downloadRequest['bands'] variables = downloadRequest['variables'] apiKey = downloadRequest['apiKey'] outDir = downloadRequest['downloadDirectory'] outputFilepath = downloadRequest['outputFilepath'] return startDatetime, endDatetime, bounds, satellite, bucket, product, channels, variables, apiKey, outDir, outputFilepath
[docs]def download_abi(downloadRequest_filepath): '''Download GOES ABI imagery as specified by an input JSON file. (this function wraps around goespy.ABIDownloader())''' startDatetime, endDatetime, bounds, satellite, bucket, product, channels, _, _, outDir, _ = parse_json(downloadRequest_filepath) output_filepaths = [] # parse channels/bands and start a download for each for channel in channels: #print(channel) if type(channel) == int: channel = 'C{:02}'.format(channel) # correct channel to a string formatted like "C02" if we were provided with an integer channel/band number #print(channel) # Show us the bounds we'll crop images to print('\nFiles will be downloaded and then cropped to these bounds:') print('\t({w},{n}).\t.({e},{n})\n\n\n\n\t({w},{s}).\t.({e},{s})\n'.format(n=bounds[3],w=bounds[0],e=bounds[2],s=bounds[1])) # For each S3 bucket, download the corresponding observations if we don't have them already download_filepaths = [] # store filepaths where our downloaded files are print('For each S3 bucket, download the corresponding observations') i = 0 for dt in rrule.rrule(rrule.HOURLY, dtstart=startDatetime, until=endDatetime): if ("L1b-Rad" in product) or ("L2-CMIP" in product): this_filepath = Path(outDir) / satellite / str(dt.year) / str(dt.month) / str( / product / '{:02}'.format(dt.hour) / channel else: this_filepath = Path(outDir) / satellite / str(dt.year) / str(dt.month) / str( / product / '{:02}'.format(dt.hour) print(this_filepath) download_filepaths.append(this_filepath) #'{}/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}/'.format(outDir,satellite,dt.year,dt.month,,product,'{:02}'.format(dt.hour),channel) if not Path.is_dir(download_filepaths[i]): #os.path.exists(download_filepaths[i]): ABI = ABI_Downloader(outDir,bucket,dt.year,dt.month,,f'{dt.hour:02}',product,channel) # now try and crop these so they don't take up so much space - this is very inefficient but oh well it's what I have right now if Path.is_dir(download_filepaths[i]): # we have to make sure the path exists (meaning we downloaded something) before running the subsetNetCDF function print('\nSubsetting files in...{}'.format(download_filepaths[i])) for file in download_filepaths[i].glob('*.nc'): print(file) output_filepaths.append(file) go.clip.subsetNetCDF(file,bounds) i+=1 print("Done") return output_filepaths
[docs]def get_dem(demtype, bounds, api_key, out_fn=None, proj='EPSG:4326'): """ download a DEM of choice from OpenTopography World DEM (modified by Shashank Bhushan, first written by David Shean) Parameters ------------ demtype : str type of DEM to fetch (e.g., SRTMGL1, SRTMGL1_E, SRTMGL3 etc) bounds : list geographic aoi extent in format (minx,miny,maxx,maxy) out_fn : str path to output filename t_srs : str output DEM projection Returns ----------- out_DEM : str path to output DEM (useful if the downloaded DEM is reprojected to custom proj) Examples ------------ """ import requests from distutils.spawn import find_executable ### From David Shean base_url="{}&west={}&south={}&east={}&north={}&outputFormat=GTiff&API_Key={}" if out_fn is None: out_fn = '{}.tif'.format(demtype) if not os.path.exists(out_fn): #Prepare API request url #Bounds should be [minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat] url = base_url.format(demtype, *bounds, api_key) print(url) #Get response = requests.get(url) #Check for 200 #Write to disk open(out_fn, 'wb').write(response.content) if proj != 'EPSG:4326': #Could avoid writing to disk and direclty reproject with rasterio, using gdalwarp for simplicity proj_fn = os.path.splitext(out_fn)[0]+'_proj.tif' if not os.path.exists(proj_fn): output_res = 30 gdalwarp = find_executable('gdalwarp') gdalwarp_call = f"{gdalwarp} -r cubic -co COMPRESS=LZW -co TILED=YES -co BIGTIFF=IF_SAFER -tr {output_res} {output_res} -t_srs '{proj}' {out_fn} {proj_fn}" print(gdalwarp_call) run_bash_command(gdalwarp_call) out_DEM = proj_fn else: out_DEM = out_fn return out_DEM
[docs]def run_bash_command(cmd): #written by Scott Henderson # move to asp_binder_utils """Call a system command through the subprocess python module.""" print(cmd) try: retcode =, shell=True) if retcode < 0: print("Child was terminated by signal", -retcode, file=sys.stderr) else: print("Child returned", retcode, file=sys.stderr) except OSError as e: print("Execution failed:", e, file=sys.stderr)
[docs]def download_example_data() -> None: """ Fetch the GOES ABI example files. """ # Static commit hash (to be updated as needed) #commit = "16756d3aff6ca41ebb0be999a82d2f66930e7851" # The URL from which to download the tarball url = f"" ##commit={commit}" # Make resources directory tmp_dir = "./tests/resources/" if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.mkdir(tmp_dir) # Path and filename for tarball tar_path = tmp_dir + "data.tar.gz" if not os.path.exists(tar_path): response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) # If the response was right, download the tarball if response.getcode() == 200: with open(tar_path, "wb") as outfile: outfile.write( else: raise ValueError(f"Example GOES ABI data fetch gave non-200 response: {response.status_code}") # Extract the tarball with as tar: tar.extractall(tmp_dir)
def remove_example_data() -> None: tmp_dir = "./tests/resources/" shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)