Source code for clip

Functions for clipping GOES ABI imagery to smaller areas

import xarray as xr
import os
import glob
from goes_ortho.geometry import LonLat2ABIangle

[docs]def subsetNetCDF(filepath,bounds,newfilepath=None): """ Crop a GOES-R ABI NetCDF file to latitude/longitude bounds. Parameters ------------ filepath : str path to a NetCDF file bounds : list list or array containing latitude/longitude bounds like [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat] newfilepath : str path and filename for a new NetCDF file to write out to, defaults to None where it will overwrite the input NetCDF file Returns ------------ None Examples ------------ Subset a GOES ABI CONUS image so that we only have the western half of CONUS within latitudes 30 and 50, and longitudes -125 and -105. >>> bounds = [-125, 30, -105, 50] >>> subsetNetCDF('',bounds,newfilepath='') """ # get bounds: [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat] lon_west = bounds[0] lat_south = bounds[1] lon_east = bounds[2] lat_north = bounds[3] with xr.open_dataset(filepath, engine='h5netcdf') as file: print(file) f = file.load() # Values needed for geometry calculations req = f.goes_imager_projection.semi_major_axis rpol = f.goes_imager_projection.semi_minor_axis H = f.goes_imager_projection.perspective_point_height + f.goes_imager_projection.semi_major_axis lon_0 = f.goes_imager_projection.longitude_of_projection_origin e = 0.0818191910435 # GRS-80 eccentricity # find corresponding look angles for the four corners x_rad_sw, y_rad_sw = LonLat2ABIangle(lon_west,lat_south,0,H,req,rpol,e,lon_0) print('SW Corner: {}, {}'.format(x_rad_sw, y_rad_sw)) x_rad_se, y_rad_se = LonLat2ABIangle(lon_east,lat_south,0,H,req,rpol,e,lon_0) print('SE Corner: {}, {}'.format(x_rad_se, y_rad_se)) x_rad_nw, y_rad_nw = LonLat2ABIangle(lon_west,lat_north,0,H,req,rpol,e,lon_0) print('NW Corner: {}, {}'.format(x_rad_nw, y_rad_nw)) x_rad_ne, y_rad_ne = LonLat2ABIangle(lon_east,lat_north,0,H,req,rpol,e,lon_0) print('NE Corner: {}, {}'.format(x_rad_ne, y_rad_ne)) # choose the bounds that cover the largest extent y_rad_s = min(y_rad_sw, y_rad_se) # choose southern-most coordinate (scan angle in radians) y_rad_n = max(y_rad_nw, y_rad_ne) # northern-most x_rad_e = max(x_rad_se, x_rad_ne) # eastern-most (scan angle in radians) x_rad_w = min(x_rad_sw, x_rad_nw) # western-most print('Corner coords chosen: N: {}, S: {}; E: {}, W: {}'.format(y_rad_n, y_rad_s, x_rad_e, x_rad_w)) # Use these coordinates to subset the whole dataset y_rad_bnds, x_rad_bnds = [y_rad_n, y_rad_s], [x_rad_w, x_rad_e] ds = f.sel(x=slice(*x_rad_bnds), y=slice(*y_rad_bnds)) # Close the original file f.close() if newfilepath == None: # Overwrite the original file ds.to_netcdf(filepath,'w',encoding={'x': {'dtype': 'float'},'y': {'dtype': 'float'}}) else: # save to new file ds.to_netcdf(newfilepath,'w',encoding={'x': {'dtype': 'float'},'y': {'dtype': 'float'}}) return None
[docs]def getListOfFiles(dirName): """ Create a list of file paths contained in the given directory, searching subdirectories. Parameters ------------ dirName : str path of directory to search within Returns ------------ allFiles : list list of file paths """ # # listOfFile = os.listdir(dirName) allFiles = list() # Iterate over all the entries for entry in listOfFile: # Create full path fullPath = os.path.join(dirName, entry) # If entry is a directory then get the list of files in this directory if os.path.isdir(fullPath): allFiles = allFiles + getListOfFiles(fullPath) else: allFiles.append(fullPath) return allFiles